As a senior, you will have different financial needs than others. You have spent your entire lifetime working and hopefully, you have had the chance to put some money away for retirement. Whether you have a nest egg or not, you should be aware that the financial advice you get should be in your own best interest. In some cases, financial advisors are not always thinking this way and may have their own agendas.
As a senior, it’s always a good idea to get financial advice from more than one source. Don’t rely on what one advisor is telling you. Some financial consultants will not look at the bigger picture of being a senior and this can become a problem for you.
If you have anyone you know that you trust, reach out to get his opinion on the advice you are receiving. There are perhaps some ideas or even questions that he may raise that can help you make a better-informed, important financial decision.
Some of the financial planning possibilities for seniors are very complex. A reverse mortgage, for example, is so complicated that many people that aren’t working in the financial sector cannot understand. The person on the other end that is trying to show you how a reverse mortgage may be best for you is probably going to end up with a healthy commission for the deal.
If you have adult children, siblings or other close family members or friends that you trust, reach out to them for financial assistance when you need it. Your money is valuable and the decisions you make now will influence how well you will survive during your retirement years.
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